Engagement plans are often buried in overall work to implement sustainability strategies and initiatives. Make sure your scheme sees the light of day by creating your own planner from our template.
OckiPro is developing an Engagement project planner template to help you use the information gathered to build out and track your employee engagement programme.
This will help you to see:
what your overall roll-out plan looks like;
what the stages are;
what materials you need to create;
how you keep materials accurate, balanced and up to date and when; and
how you can track and report progress, to embed and learn lessons as you go forward.
The tool includes a list of actions that you can select to add to your planner, and links to useful resources and insights to support the journey.
The tool will be part of OckiPro’s membership, when it is launched mid-2023.
If you would like to input into development of the tool, or would like more information, please contact info@ockisustainability.com.
Find out how OckiPro membership engages employees to deliver sustainability impact.
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