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About Ocki and OckiPro

Bridging the sustainability engagement gap


At Ocki, we believe no-one intentionally wants to use products or services, or work for organisations, that are unsustainable. Recent studies indicate this is generally true, however, there is also plenty of evidence that shows people struggle to act sustainably, whether they are at home or at work.


Ocki exists to bridge gaps in sustainability engagement, combining accessible, free information for everyone, with OckiPro, a service for sustainability professionals that provides insights, tools and events to help organisations deliver their sustainability commitments. 


Learn, be inspired and engage


Learn: We raise awareness through our ’Get the knowledge’ articles, that provide a reference to the basic elements of sustainability and the impacts of products and services. All our Newsdesk articles are researched and written by experienced journalists based around the world. You can trust these stories to bring you reliable, independent and balanced information.  


Be inspired: We help people to connect through our community activities and events, bringing people together, whether you are a newcomer wanting to know where to start, or an expert looking to explain your work to others. We also host best practice roundtables for professionals as part of OckiPro’s membership service.


Engage: Research shows that over 95% of business leaders believe employee involvement is important to improving the sustainability of their business and delivering their sustainability strategy; yet almost two-thirds of employees have little or no engagement in their employers’ sustainability efforts.


The following quote is a typical response heard during Ocki’s market research.


 "Our actions are driven by the corporate commitments we have made and a growing number of legal obligations. Employee engagement is no longer a ’nice-to-have’, it is a ’must have’ if everyone is to understand what our sustainability impacts are, and how our people are going to deliver our targets. This is something head of ESG can’t do alone; it has to be a multidisciplinary effort,”

Ethical trade controller, multinational fashion retailer.


To address these professional challenges, the OckiPro service has been developed. It works with sustainability leaders to embed sustainability throughout their organisations. It provides tools, insights and events to educate, inspire and engage colleagues to play their part in delivering an organisation’s sustainability strategy.


OckiPro: your sustainability engagement partner


OckiPro is a unique service, scheduled to launch in September, being developed in close collaboration with organisations that are pursuing best practices in sustainability engagement. Each element of the service responds to the challenges and needs heard from our market research and roundtable events. 


To register your interest in the service, and download OckiPro’s free Concise Playbook Engaging Employees in Sustainability, click here.


We hope you enjoy our content to help you understand and be part of the change. Please get in touch with us if you have any comments at

Who we are and how we are funded

The people behind Ocki have decades of experience providing information, insights and events to help businesses improve the safety and sustainability of their products. They have been researching the need for Ocki and the sustainability challenges faced by organisations for two years – translating what they’ve learned into a service that is designed to address those challenges. 


They have a detailed knowledge of sustainability and business, and are using that expertise to collaborate with organisations to accelerate engagement in sustainability to achieve commitments and targets that have been set. They are supporting members to improve business outcomes linked to sustainability, including greater efficiency, improved customer relationships, new business opportunities, and better staff retention and recruitment.


The Ocki website is currently self-funded. The new OckiPro service will be a paid membership service for organisations that need a sustainability engagement partner, with a focus on support that is;

  • people-focused 

  • target-oriented; and 

  • practical.

Funds from this work will ensure we can maintain and further develop the website, developing tools and insights, and hosting events, that engage everyone in sustainability.


Our Team

Emma Chynoweth

Emma Chynoweth

Julian Rose

Julian Rose

Rachel England

Rachel England

Sarah Walkley

Sarah Walkley

Harrison Tanner

Harrison Tanner

Lucy Duckham

Lucy Duckham

Rebecca L Root

Rebecca L Root

Youmna Abdallah

Youmna Abdallah


Ocki Sustainability Ltd

Kingsland House,
39 Abbey Foregate,
Shropshire SY2 6BL, UK


Activate employees

Find out how OckiPro membership engages employees to deliver sustainability impact.



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