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Expert view: Caring for our mental health is an ethical choice

Lila Turner, partner and director at One Thought has witnessed how wellbeing, including clarity of mind and connectedness, can help people simplify sustainability decisions. It just feels right.

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Wellbeing can help people make intuitive sustainability decisions. Photo by Victor Freitas, courtesy of Pexels.
Wellbeing can help people make intuitive sustainability decisions. Photo by Victor Freitas, courtesy of Pexels.

The world feels overwhelming right now. It seems like there’s nowhere to hide, with all the news coverage on global warming and the energy crisis leaving many of us cold, in both senses of the word. It’s understandable if you just feel like climbing in a pile of warm laundry and eating cake.


The desire to make a difference by choosing environmental and sustainable products is alive in most of us, but many people are unsure where to start. First, making the right choice can be difficult because sustainability is complex. It is also a challenge as we are constantly bombarded with information; sifting through it can be emotionally draining. 

Being overwhelmed

It is really hard as we feel like we face a minefield of complex decisions. By the time we’ve considered the best choice of ethical bank or decided which bag of coffee to buy, we are exhausted. It can make us feel like giving up and going back to familiar comfort zones. 


If we are overwhelmed, finding our way will feel impossible. But there is another way to find an ethical lifestyle, and that starts with our own wellbeing.


One Thought has been working for over twenty years helping people understand and appreciate the link between wellbeing and clarity of mind. We have found that when people are in a healthier mental state, they naturally make more humane and ethical choices because what feels right becomes more visible and obvious. 

When people are in a healthier mental state, they naturally make more humane and ethical choices because what feels right becomes more visible and obvious. 

This is because having clarity of mind means we are more ‘present’, focusing on the here and now, not fretting about the past or worrying about the future. And when we are present, we are better connected to, and have a stronger rapport with, other people. Genuinely humanity comes back into focus.

Trusting ourselves

Our wellbeing enables us to trust in ourselves and, as such, decisions become effortless and intuitive. 

In our workplaces, when we are less tense and fried mentally, we are better at taking breaks, we listen better, and get better ideas. We also start to see a shift in our ability to leave work at work. When we become more present at work the knock-on effect is that we are more present at home. This is better and healthier for everyone – bosses, employees,  families and you. Taking care of your mental health is an ethical choice.


Mental health comes naturally when we are connected to ourselves. This is not about our internal commentary that tells us that we should be doing more, or that we are not good enough, but the inner voice that guides us more intuitively. It is our intuition that will help us, but we need space to hear it. Listening to our intuition can have the most impact on the things that we care about, like our families, our health and our environment.

How does this happen? 

When we recognise that our disturbed and overwhelmed thoughts are not the clearest version of us, we open up the possibility to let them go and see past them. This is the first step to finding clarity. As our thoughts start to settle, we start to feel better, more connected and more confident in our choices. With a clear mind, life has a way of simplifying. If we want to make changes in our lives without the stress and strain of having to work it out, try beginning with clarity. Here are some simple tips on how to start.


Mental steps to an ethical change in our lives:

  1. Prioritise your own well-being because clarity  comes from a healthier state of mind. This might mean taking time away from what’s on your mind but also starting to think with a clearer head, one that is free from being  overwhelmed or stressed.
  2. Respect a quiet mind. When our mind is clear, the choices in front of us simplify and start to feel right.
  3. Try to connect with intuition. With connection comes impact as having a deeper connection with ourselves has a ripple effect. We are kinder to ourselves and others, we feel moved to do things that are good for ourselves and the planet. This state of mind leads to more positive impactful action compared to when we are stressed and feel like we ‘should’ do good things.

Change starts one step at a time. One clear thought at a time. Good luck with your next step.


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Lila Turner

Lila Turner

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